The average house price on BRICK BANK is £150,796
The most expensive house in the street is 13 BRICK BANK with an estimated value of £208,868
The cheapest house in the street is 12 BRICK BANK with an estimated value of £105,265
The house which was most recently sold was 12 BRICK BANK, this sold on 8 Jun 2018 for £84,000
The postcode for BRICK BANK is HD5 8RU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 BRICK BANK Terraced £156,150 £42,350 27 Oct 2000
5 BRICK BANK Terraced £180,151 £95,000 5 Nov 2004
8 BRICK BANK Terraced £159,292 £84,000 19 Nov 2004
9 BRICK BANK Terraced , 67 m2 £128,196 £85,000 17 Oct 2014
10 BRICK BANK Flats/Maisonettes , 54 m2 £110,188 £85,000 26 May 2017
11 BRICK BANK Terraced £158,260 £88,950 22 Mar 2006
12 BRICK BANK Terraced £105,265 £84,000 8 Jun 2018
13 BRICK BANK Terraced , 96 m2 £208,868 £120,000 23 Sep 2011